Bloated Stomach: The 3 Best Pilates Positions to Adopt to Reduce Bloating Quickly and Discreetly

Swollen belly after a big meal or a stressful day? Don’t panic! Pilates offers solutions to quickly relieve digestive discomfort. By incorporating a few targeted postures into your routine, you can say goodbye to bloating and find a feeling of lightness again.

When we feel bloated it is natural to look for quick solutions to regain a flat stomach and comfortable. Pilates, this trendy discipline, proves to be a valuable ally to relieve feelings of bloating and promote better digestion. Discover three postures of Pilates particularly effective for deflate quickly and say goodbye to abdominal discomfort.

The benefits of Pilates: an essential trend

THE Pilates a discipline on the rise, is recognized for its many benefits. In addition to improving posture and flexibility, it helps strengthen the body’s core, improve circulation, and promote healthy digestion. By incorporating these postures into your routine, you can not only relieve bloating, but you also contribute to an overall feeling of well-being. Easy to practice at home or in a group class, Pilates is the simplest and most effective discipline to adopt for a flat stomach and a harmonious silhouette.

1. The upside down table posture

The Inverted Table, or “Tabletop” in Pilates, is ideal for calming a swollen belly. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Raise your legs until your thighs are perpendicular to the floor, calves parallel. Place your arms at your sides for stability. This position engages your abdominal muscles and promotes optimal blood flow, helping to reduce bloating by stimulating the digestive system.

2. The Pelvic Bridge

The Pelvic Bridge is another beneficial posture for soothing the swollen belly. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet hip-width apart. As you inhale, slowly lift your hips toward the sky, making sure to engage your glutes and abs. Hold for a few seconds before slowly lowering back down. This pose strengthens your core muscles while improving circulation in your abdominal area, which can help relieve feelings of bloating.

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3. The swimmer’s exercise

The Swimmer’s exercise, or “Swim”, is ideal for relax the belly while strengthening your back and abs. Lie on your stomach with your arms straight in front of you and your legs extended. As you inhale, simultaneously lift your right arm and left leg while keeping your core stable. Alternate with your left arm and right leg. This fluid, controlled movement improves blood circulation, strengthens your core muscles, and helps reduce bloating by promoting better digestion.

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