“Cynical and irresponsible”: Mauricio Macri accused the deputies who voted for the retirement formula of being part of a “bad policy” that destroys the country
Mauricio Macri published an extensive message on social networks this Sunday against the project of new retirement formula of the opposition, which already obtained half a sanction in the Chamber of Deputies. The treatment of “cynical” and “irresponsible” to the legislators who voted for it and accused them of being part of the “bad politics”
“How long does bad politics want to continue destroying us?” the former president asks at the beginning of his post in X.
“The time has come to ask ourselves: how can it be that there is a majority of political leaders so irresponsible as to approve the increase in pension spending without saying how they are going to finance it? Let us remember that they are the same ones who have just opposed the closure and privatization of all the state’s loss-making companies, which cost billions of dollars,” he added.
In this way, Macri questioned the retirement mobility initiative of the Radical Civic Union and made clear his harsh questions against his former allies of Together for Change.
“These leaders say they want what we all want: for retirees to earn more. There is no doubt that we want that? But they are the ones who oppose lowering the spending of the irresponsible policy that generates hyperinflation and destroys purchasing power, affecting not only to retirees, but also to the rest of Argentines,” he said.
The current president of the PRO also referred to the delay in the sanction of the Bases Law, which continues its legislative path in Congress and has not yet been approved.
How long does bad politics want to continue destroying us?
The time has come to ask ourselves: how can it be that there is a majority of political leaders so irresponsible as to approve the increase in pension spending without saying how they are going to finance it? Let us remember that…
— Mauricio Macri (@mauriciomacri) June 9, 2024
“Instead of having voted for an irrational law that has no funds, they should have first broadly said yes to the Base Law, which would have allowed us to get rid of all the State’s useless expenses. That would have given them the moral authority to, in a situation of surplus, to demand the justice that we all want for our retirees,” he added.
Finally, Macri left a kind of reflection where he expressed his rejection of “bad politics.”
“At the end of this long road, we are learning that it is not a division between the old politics and the new, but rather it goes deeper: it is a division between bad politics and good politics. These leaders turned out to be cynical and indifferent” , declared the former president.
Macri’s words are in line with the proposal of President Javier Milei, who warned that the deputies’ project comes from “an agreement between Unión por la Patria and the UCR to increase public spending and break the Government’s surplus. It would be very serious”.
The head of state, after the half sanction, anticipated that he will veto the retirement mobility promoted by part of the opposition if it is approved in Congress, not only because the eventual fiscal cost of the initiative – one of the projects in motion, that of the UCR, estimates it at 0.45% of GDP – would endanger the balance of public accounts if not because it would be a “political” measure that would ultimately seek to harm the Government.
Milei redoubled the bet in his attack against the opposition deputies who gave half a sanction to retirement mobility, whom he treated as “fiscal degenerates” and reiterated that he will veto the law if it is sanctioned by the Senate because, in his opinion, It would attack one of the pillars of his administration, the fiscal balance, with which he aims to organize public accounts and lower inflation.
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