How to say goodbye to cellulite with these new generation devices?
Because life has its share of (good or bad) surprises in store for you, here’s what to do in case of an epiphany. To get rid of cellulite, at least in part, you can continue to believe in the power of creams, pay a minimum wage in a beauty salon or invest in a new generation anti-cellulite device.
In the collective imagination, the obsession with cellulite only goes back a century. It must be said that having cellulite is almost inevitable; between 80% and 90% of women have it. And that’s normal. This hunt for cellulite is first and foremost due to women’s magazines and the first medical books that began to address the subject at the dawn of the 1920s. More recently, it is social networks that have brought these arbitrary injunctions back to the forefront, to the point that today, everyone is trying to get rid of them at all costs.
What causes cellulite?
“The term “cellulite” first appeared in a French dictionary in 1873, more precisely in the 12th edition of the Dictionnaire de médecine edited by Littré and Robin. The article presents the following definition: “Cellulite: name given by some authors to the inflammation of cellular or laminar tissue”. It can be noted that, in all caution (“by some authors”), Littré inaugurated this term by referring to a fairly general inflammatory condition. In fact, at that time, the only meaning of “cellulite” was still very close to that of the Latin word, cellulitis, used in English to indicate a tissue reaction that is difficult to distinguish from abscesses, particularly in the pelvic region. From an etymological point of view, in fact, the term “cellulite” designates an “inflammation of the cells”, the suffix “-itis” indicating an acute inflammatory condition (as, for example, in “appendicitis”)”, says the author Rossella Ghigi in her book The female body between science and guilt.
Concretely, cellulite or superficial lipodystrophy corresponds to a mass of fat under the skin which is particularly concentrated in certain areas of the body such as the thighs, buttocks, hips, stomach or arms because toxins and water have difficulty evacuating naturally.This is what gives the skin that bumpy, soft appearance, the famous orange peel appearance.“, says Dr. Christelle Santini, plastic surgeon. If she takes different forms – fatty, aqueous or fibrous, it is more or less difficult to dislodge.
How to get rid of cellulite?
“While physical activity and a balanced diet can help reduce the appearance of cellulite, even people who are not overweight and in good physical condition can have cellulite.“, says Dr. Christelle Santini. Today, there are alternative ways to evacuate fluids trapped in skin cells and restart blood and lymphatic circulation. Draining massage, rolling massage, laser, cryotherapy, miracle creams and now 2.0 devices… How to get rid of cellulite in 2024? Part of the answer with these 3 new generation tools.
The most practical
No need to go to the salon with this device that combines the power of powerful vibrations and microcurrent (up to 960 u). In addition to promoting lymphatic drainage, it stimulates collagen and elastin to firm and smooth the skin and fades pigment spots for radiant skin. For optimal results in just one week and maximum safety, the tool is used with a serum or conductive gel.
The click: Foreo Bear 2 Body Toning Device, Foreo, €210.45.

The most luxurious
It is the Rolls-Royce of anti-cellulite devices as it promises the same results as in a salon. Already because in addition to reducing cellulite in 4 weeks with 6 minutes of use per day, it offers 26 personalized care routines to slim down and fight against the signs of aging.Equipped with a new speed of 16 suctions per second, each of the 5 interchangeable treatment heads strengthens the cellular structure of the skin and reshapes the contours of the body and face”, the brand also emphasizes about it.
The click: Wellbox ‘S’ anti-cellulite LPG device, Wellbox, €925.

The fastest
In just 5 minutes, this at-home microcurrent device firms and tones skin. The secret to the method: low-intensity electrical currents that mimic the body’s natural current to directly target skin irregularities and improve its appearance. According to the results of a clinical trial, 92% of users saw an improvement in their skin tone and 84% of users saw firmer skin.
The click: NuBODY, NuFACE, €444.45.

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