Mirtha Legrand’s reaction when she was asked if Perón tried to seduce her: “No, but I would have loved to”
Mirtha Legrand reminded Juan Domingo Peronwhen remembering an anecdote that involved the former president and the San Juan earthquake of 1944. While telling the story, the host was surprised with a question: “Is it true that he wanted to seduce you?”
Everything happened in the air Mirtha’s Night (El Trece), a program in which the Chief of Staff, Guillermo Francos, the journalists Adrián Ventura and Laura Di Marco, and the historian Daniel Balmaceda were guests.
After the host talked about Evita and Perón, Di Marco asked: “And did you know Perón, Mirtha?” “Yes Yes. He was very nice”answered La Chiqui.

“I met him when the San Juan earthquake occurred, when a number of actors were called. They always turn to actors, to well-known people to collaborate and make collections. We collaborated a lot, and he received us at Work and Welfare. “Very nice,” he clarified.
Then, without hesitation, Laura wanted to clear up the doubt and said: “Is it true, as the legend says, that he wanted to seduce you?”. Mirtha reacted surprised to her guest’s question, not knowing what to respond. “What, what?”, she managed to say.
“That he wanted to seduce you instead of Evita,” the journalist insisted. “No no! “I never read it, I never knew about it,” responded the host, who, causing laughter from those present, added: “I would have loved it”.

“Not at all. He was very kind to me. There were many actresses, it wasn’t just me. I’m talking to you about the time. The only one left is me from that entire time. AND He treated us all very well“, Mirtha continued to clarify, to clear up all doubts.
Then, Mirtha remembered the solidarity collection in which she participated with Juan Domingo Perón, after the San Juan earthquake. “We took up a collection. It was very well organized. Young people don’t know but it was an earthquake that destroyed Caucete and other cities in San Juan,” La Chiqui began by saying.
And he closed: “They sent me to Córdoba to make the collection. They brought us all together and an impressive collection was made to rebuild. Besides, it became the newest city in the world, because it was all rebuilt.”

Mirtha Legrand’s question that surprised Guillermo Francos
In the same program, Mirtha upset the Chief of Staff with an incisive question: “Why does the President say so many bad words?”
The consultation followed a somewhat more formal one about Javier Milei’s upcoming trips abroad. And he went without anesthesia, despite showing a supposed hint of shame after expressing those words, covering his face with a napkin. “Why so much swearing? Because?”he insisted in the face of the complicity of some of his guests.
The diva opened her talk with the Chief of Staff with a spicy question. What did the coordinating minister respond?
“Well, it’s his personality.”Francos managed to say, but Mirtha interceded again. “But he is the President, he says terrible things”replied Legrand, with a mischievous smile on his face.
The recently appointed successor of Nicolás Posse then began the second attempt to deliver his response. “Javier Milei is a disruptive president in Argentina, was elected that way. “He has very young followers,” he argued.

“Of all the countries (they follow him),” remarked the host of the program that is broadcast on El Trece. “The position that Argentina’s Milei generated in the world is impressive,” said one of the most important officials in the management of La Libertad Avanza.
Adrián Ventura, then, tried to “take up Mirtha’s bad words.” “Beyond that, (Milei) is very popular, she won the election, she is governing the macro well. So, Does it make sense for him to continue in the campaign with that sometimes aggressive and strong populist speech, instead of lowering his tone?”the journalist asked.

Legrand then came out in defense of the president. “They also attack him a lot”, he indicated. Francos, for his part, stated: “They are personalities.” “The President faced a very difficult fight against a serious populist conception in Argentina, a statist one, that has harmed our country for decades. After living these 40 years of democracy one says ‘what do we rescue?’“, held.
And he concluded: “Something for which Argentines fought so hard was to recover democracy and freedoms, it turned out that we could not demonstrate over time that it is good to live in democracy, but that its results for the people were not what people expected. ”.
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